Quick Tip From the Author

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dancing to the Right Tune

Not long ago, my husband and I went out dancing at a country dance hall. As we sat one out and I observed the different couples on the dance floor, I was fascinated.

What I noticed was that each couple had their own unique version of the two-step. Some were bouncier than others. Some were quicker, some slower. Some were smoother and more graceful and others not so much. But they were all dancing to the same music. The same tune was guiding their efforts.

It hit me that the tune that we're all dancing in the Body of Christ is the same. It is the Lord. He is the music that we all hear and move in rhythm with. But we don't all look the same as we move.

And the big mistake that we make is that we confuse our own version of the dance with the tune that moves us. We begin to focus so much on the way WE like to dance that we forget about listening to the One who sets the beat. We start to criticize everyone else for not dancing in the manner that we are. We start preaching about and talking about and making a big deal out of the dance style that we have. Instead of focusing entirely on the Music and just letting our feet move us along.

That is what happens in performance oriented churches and abusive systems. Some minor theological point becomes more important than Christ. Our image becomes more important than Christ. Our pride becomes more important than Christ.

Even if our hearts are pricked and we know that we have sinned against someone. We know that we owe them an apology or at least a phone call. We allow what the world tells us or other what other Christians tell us is "right" to sweep aside the high calling that we have in Jesus to love one another, help one another, and humble ourselves before one another. I shake my head as I think about what "church" really has come down to. It's become a political game and a business that has little to do with the Bible or with what Jesus has called us all to. It is so sad. Like looking behind the curtain in Oz. What you thought was great and wonderful really is just a bunch of people putting on a show to impress other people. My heart breaks at these thoughts but rejoices in knowing that our God will set all things right and bring about the justice and vision that He has for His body.

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