My second experience with spiritual abuse occurred in the same little college town I spoke of before.
During the escapade with the lawyer and his wife, another couple in the church took me under their wings. I looked up to them as a spiritual mother and father of sorts. I was good friends with their daughter and they advised me on life issues such as marriage, etc.
One evening, while I was sitting in their home (I was wearing shorts, I think) and while the wife was doing something else, the husband ran his finger down my bare leg in a seductive way.
Not understanding nor wanting to embarrass him, I told him in the kitchen that this was not OK with me and that I had been sexually abused in my childhood and wanted no such touching.
He teared up and said how very sorry he was. This looked like genuine repentance to me so I let it go and said nothing.
I can't remember as well as I once did but I believe it was that very same evening when he repeated the action with a leering gaze.
I determined to leave and not return. I never told his wife or daughter what had happened but just distanced myself from them.
I think my faith in men was pretty damaged that day. I really looked up to this man as a father figure. He didn't deserve it.
This was my first experience with men in the church "coming onto me" but it certainly wasn't to be my last.
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