Quick Tip From the Author

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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Cult Think

I recently had the experience of speaking with a dear friend from Milestone Church.  I was asking this person about some major life decisions that they had recently made.  I kept hearing the word "margin" repeatedly....even several times in the same sentence.  I thought this was odd as "margin" is not really a word that we use in normal conversation and the repetition seemed particularly weird.

After pondering this for a day, it occurred to me.  I did a quick google search on Milestone Church and "margin."  Lo and behold.  A recent sermon series.

Bear in mind that this is one of the people who had to repeatedly assure people that Milestone is not a "cult."

Well, what else do we call it?  What else do you call a place where you don't even get to make major life decisions based on your own thoughts?  Or worse, you think that the pastor's thoughts actually ARE your thoughts?

Now I know that some would say, "The Lord was speaking through the sermon series."

Really?  I don't know.  Maybe if the word was "righteousness" or "humility" or "godliness" I'd buy that.  In my mind, it's the same old thing.  A group of people who are somehow predisposed not to think on their own and a group of leaders who are predisposed to like that just fine.

The bottom line is this: not everyone at the church becomes a Milestone robot.  But cult-like churches prey on people who are hurt or injured or insecure, people who have a rocky family background and need authority and stability.  The church gives them a sense of belonging and security.  I know...I was one of those people.

Is it the fault of the leadership?  Yes, to a degree.  Is it the fault of the people themselves?  Yes, more so.  As James Allen said, "One man is an oppressor because many are slaves; let us despise the slaves."  How foolish it is for all of us who were or are complicit with this cult-like system to go along with it.  Without congregants, the manipulation would stop altogether.

As a final note, I experienced a wonderful emotion when I realized the depth of control that is still being exerted over folks at Milestone.  GRATITUDE.  Thank you, Lord, that I got delivered from such a place, such a system.  Thank you that I now think my own thoughts and, hopefully, can hear from God about my life without needing it to be filtered through a sermon series first!

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